Sunday 15 January 2012

How much do you know about the Intense Pulsed Light?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a revolutionary laser technology that provides exceptional results for hair removal and skin rejuvenation treatments. Intense Pulsed Light lasers employ a full spectrum of light wavelengths, which emit safe light energy in order to disintegrate after hair pigments and interrupt the growth cycle. IPL lasers are also highly effective when used to treat damaged skin. They increase collagen production and firm skin tissue in order to improve poor skin complexion and texture.

A highly advanced computer regulates the wavelength of light being emitted by the Intense Pulsed Light, administering the correct exposure safely to any area, from large sections such as the back or legs, to the more delicate and sensitive areas of the lips, and face.

Unlike traditional methods, Intense Pulsed Light leaves the surface of the skin undamaged. It also enhances the bodies own natural production of Collagen which in turn improves the condition of the skin. Traditional treatments have had the limited effect on lighter hair shades. However, by combining the treatment with Meladine to give the hair pigment. All hair colours can be treated safely with Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal technology.

Although the number of treatments required will vary from client to client, typically Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal is a progressive process, hair reduction increases with each treatment you have, to ensure that you get the very best results from Intense Pulse Light, we recommend a minimum of four treatments at five-week intervals.

reference from: Intense Pulsed Light and Mixto fractional laser

More tips of Botox Singapore

Botox Singapore is a popularly used dermatological product administered through injections. Once Botox is injected, the focus is on the wrinkled area. Wrinkles develop as a result of skin losing moisture. This comes with age since skin becomes less thick as one keeps on advancing in age. As a result, you tend to lose more water, and the skin becomes dry. To minimize or remove wrinkles, Botox and fillers are used.

Botox Singapore injections are used as a non-surgical method to take care of wrinkles. Botox is used by people who want to stay younger looking for longer. Botox continues to become a popular way to treat wrinkles. Botox has been around for a while and was given FDA approval in April 2002 to treat moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. However, Botox can also be used for other parts of the face.

Botox is actually a substance called Botulinum Toxin, which originates from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Where the substance is injected into the muscles, it blocks transmission between the nerve endings and the muscle fibres causing weakness of the nearby muscle. This will temporarily reduce the tightening of the facial muscles which lead to frown upon lines. Botox Singapore is completely safe and can be done very quickly in about ten minutes. You do not need any anaesthetics, and discomfort is minimal. The Botox is given to you through several very small injections into the muscles on your face. The injection area is decided on by assessing your ability to move certain muscles in your forehead.

Monday 9 January 2012

More things about botox Singapore

What do you know about botox? And do any people know about botox Singapore? Scientists and beauty experts think that the cosmetic botulinum toxin can temporarily paralyze the muscle. In order to achieve the purpose of stopping muscle spasms, the botox was originally used for medical treatment of facial spasms and other muscle movement disorders, muscle and nerve paralysis. The effect is far more than any other kind of cosmetic or plastic surgery.

It's sure that you are safe enough if you undergo this surgery with a professional plastic surgeon. But, there are something important to remember. First of all, only a professional dermatologist can complete this surgery. A beauty salon can not do it well. During the application of botox Singapore, it is quite necessary to think about many issues such as dose, injection parts. And the plastic surgeon should go through professional training. The consequences will be equal to disfigurement if once the injection fails. And secondly, it's also necessary to undergo a very rigorous test of the skin before your injection. As a highly toxic bacteria, maybe some people can not adapt it very well. Even if the people never had allergies, the botox may affect you to be allergic.

For some workers need to show the expression constantly, we suggested that the person takes a rest in one to two weeks after the injection. Otherwise it will make bad influence the injection effect.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

How much do you know about the brightening of skin?

In the recent years, pursing beauty becomes more and more popular. Brightening of skin is one of the most famous issues. If we are over 30 years old, there are some distressing signs of facial aging and sun damaged skin. And there will appear skin aging changes sooner if the people loves sun and smoking.
A few years ago, there was fractional laser brightening of skin. As the time passed away, fibers between the cells would decrease gradually. The skin may lose its elasticity. If you lose subcutaneous fat, your skin will be sagging. The muscle relaxation also will make the skin loose. Other factors such as gravity, heredity, stress and smoking are affected by sunlight into the skin structure. At last, it will make the skin loses its elasticity resulting in relaxation. On the side,the laser light can result in restructuring of collagen in the dermis, or deeper layer of the skin. It is important that each face is different with the factors including skin color, texture, and degree of wrinkling.  To choose the best resurfacing can make a difference.
Actually, we can keep our brightening of skin by some methods. For example, we can correct bad expressions including frown, brow lift, squinting, moody and so on. When we are young, we’d better learn self-control weight, resist and treat obesity. The amounts of treatments will be adjusted to the condition of the treated skin. There are single or multiple resurfacing treatments.